
Welcome to the web-site of the Clan Irwin Surname DNA Study.  This Study was launched in 2005, with the assistance of Kent Irvin, and its website was re-vamped in 2011 and again in 2021, with the assistance of Rick Byers.  For the Menu to this website click on the 3 parallel lines top left.

The Study, its website and its administrators are fully independent from both FamilyTreeDNA and the Clan Irwin Association, although the Study continues to support the Association and to recognize that the interests and memberships of the two entities have considerable overlap.

This November 2024 Update is the 35th update of our Study.  Highlights include:

As Administrator I am happy at any time to answer e-mail queries members and prospective members, and to forward our Main Results table and/or L555 genetic family tree as e-mail attachments.  

I recently published three books on Irwin genealogy.  These incorporate several decades of diligent research in many libraries and archives around the world, public and private.  They update previous books about the Irvings of Bonshaw and the Irvines of Drum and introduce new research, hitherto unpublished.  

All three books can be ordered on-line from Amazon or www.waterstones.com, each for less than US$20.  Proceeds go to the Bonshaw Preservation Trust.

In particular The Irwin Surname: its Origins, Diaspora and Early Branches provides a comprehensive background and context to our DNA Study.   The Lairds of Bonshaw and Drum and the Chairman of the Clan Irwin Association recommend it to all members of our Study, and to others bearing our Surname.

For more details see FURTHER READING.

James Irvine,

Ashtead, Surrey, UK

Kit 29479 ("Orkney 1")

Study  Administrator

Trustee, Bonshaw Preservation Trust

Seneschal to the Chief of Irvine of Drum

Member, International Society of Genetic Genealogy


 3 November 2024